French next-generation fighter. France decided to developed its own fighter, rejecting the European EFA as too heavy for carrier use and too costly for export. Rafale is also a canarded delta, but has less angular lines than EFA. Extensive use was made of composite materials. Rafale A was the prototype, Rafale B is the two-seat version, Rafale C the single-seater, and Rafale M carrier fighter version. Four prototypes were flying in early 1997. Orders for 272 production aircraft for the French armed forces are expected.
France chose to produce the Rafale, which will begin operation in 1999, instead of the Eurofighter. The Rafale is lighter and smaller than the Eurofighter. It will be produced in three versions: Rafale M, Rafale C, and Rafale D. The M is the carrier version, with a spring-loaded nose wheel to help it into the air when launching. The C is a one-seater and the D it a somewhat stealthy version for the air force.


Type: Rafale C
Country: France
Export: N/A
Function: Multi-role fighter
Year: 1997
Crew: 1
Engines: 2 * 77 kN SNECMA M88-2
Wing Span: 10.90 m
Length: 15.30 m
Height: 5.34 m
Wing Area: 46.0 m2
Wing Aspect Ratio: 2.6
Canard Area: Unknown
Tail Plane Area: N/A
Empty Weight: 9060 kg
Max.Weight: 19500 kg
Internal Fuel: 4000 kg
Speed: Mach 2.0
Ceiling: 18290 m
Ferry Range: 3125 km
Combat Radius: 925 km
G-limits: 9/-3.2
Maximum instantenous turn rate: 30 degrees/second
Maximum sustained turn rate: Unknown
Rollrate: 270 degrees/sec
TWR(50% fuel, 2 EM A2A missile, 2 IR A2A missile): 1.3:1
TWR(100% fuel, 2 EM A2A missile, 2 IR A2A missile): 1.10:1
Armament: One internal 30 mm Giat DEFA 791B cannon. Normal external load up to 6000 kg (13,230lb) on 6 underwing, 2 wingtip, 2 centerline, and 4 underfuselage stations. Options include an ASMP nuclear standoff missile, up to 8 Matra Mica AAMs, AM 39 Exocets, LGBs, AS 30L LGASMs, or Apache dispensers with antiarmour or anti runway munitions.
Unit cost: 50 million USD
